Wednesday, April 11, 2012

MRI hip arthrography

1-We give injection of normal saline or Gd-DTPA.

2-Mixing of 0.1 ml of Gd with 20 ml of saline and 5 ml of iodinated contrast + Lidocaine.

3-Joint capacity is about 8-20 ml.

4-Use surface coil.

5-FOV=14-16 cm.

6-Slice thickness 3-5 mm.

7-T1 images without and with fat suppression.

8-Sagital, coronal and axial obligue should be obtained .

9-STIR images for the whole pelvis should be included.

10-Diseases diagnosed by arthrography:

-Labral abnormalities such as tear or para labral cyst(is a triangular low signal structure at superior and inferior acetabular margin).

-Loose bodies.

-Osteo-chondral lesions(ulceration and grooves on acetabulum or head of the femur).

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