Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Anatomy of flexor muscles of the hand.

1- Tendons of the hand can be classified into two categories:

A) Flexor tendons: Present in the plantar surface of the hand.
B) Extensor tendons: Present in the dorsal surface of the hand.

2- Flexor tendons can be divided into two categories:

A) Tendons present inside carpal tunnel.
B) Tendons present out side the carpal tunnel.

3- We will talk here in this post about flexor tendons.

4- You can divide the plantar surface of the hand into three levels.

5-The first one is at the level of distal end of radius and ulna.

Wrist MRI Anatomy: T1-weighted axial view. Image 1. 1, Flexor carpi ulnaris m & t. 2, Ulna. 3, Extensor carpi ulnaris t. 4, Extensor digiti minimi t. 5, Extensor digitorum & indicis tt. 7, Radius. 8, Extensor carpi radialis brevis t. 9, Extensor carpi radialis longus t. 10, Cephalic vein. 11, Extensor pollicis brevis t & Abductor pollicis longus t. 12, Flexor pollicis longus tendon. 13, Median nerve. 14, Flexor carpi radialis tendon. 15, Palmaris longus t. 16, Flexor digitorum superficialis tendons. 17, Flexor digitorum profundus tendons. 18, Ulnar nerve & Ulnar artery.

6-The second one is at the level of the 1st row of carpal bones.

Wrist MRI Anatomy: T1-weighted axial view. Image 9. 3, Extensor carpi ulnaris t. 4, Extensor digiti minimi t. 5, Extensor digitorum & indicis tt. 6, Extensor pollicis longus tendon. 8, Extensor carpi radialis brevis t. 9, Extensor carpi radialis longus t. 10, Cephalic vein. 13, Median nerve. 14, Flexor carpi radialis tendon. 20, Triquetrum.21, Scaphoid. 22, Capitate. 23, Pisiform.

7-The third one is at the level of the 2nd row of carpal bones.

Wrist MRI Anatomy: T1-weighted axial view. Image 13. 3, Extensor carpi ulnaris t. 4, Extensor digiti minimi t. 5, Extensor digitorum & indicis tt. 6, Extensor pollicis longus tendon. 8, Extensor carpi radialis brevis t. 9, Extensor carpi radialis longus t. 13, Median nerve. 14, Flexor carpi radialis tendon. 18, Ulnar nerve & Ulnar artery.22, Capitate. 24, Hamate. 25, Trapezoid. 26, Trapezium. 29, Flexor digitorum superficialis tendons & Flexor digitorum profundus tendons.

1 comment:

  1. The muscles of the arm and hand are specifically designed to meet the body’s diverse needs of strength, speed, and precision while completing many complex daily tasks. Activities such as lifting weights or heavy boxes require brute strength from the muscles of the arm. Writing, painting, and typing all require speed and precision from the same muscles. I hope this will be very helpful to the students to complete their educational works related with the topics. And also today most of them are depends on the online thesis writing service. Thesis writing service provide better and effective writing services to the students.
