Sunday, April 15, 2012

MRI Shoulder axial View Findings

We can diagnose any lesion in the following:

1-Tendons: As for subscapularis, infra spinatus and biceps in the groove.

2-Ligaments: As middle glenohumeral ligament.

3-Bones: Hill-Sack's injury which is a groove occur in the head of the humerus posteriorly due to anterior dislocation of the humeral head.

  • Bankart lesion (humeral head driven forward –> anterior labral detachment, capsule tear)
  • Hill-Sachs lesion (compression fracture at posterolateral margin of humeral head)
  • Possible associated fracture of proximal humerus, anterior glenoid and disruption of glenohumeral ligaments

4-Labrum: Anterior and posterior.

5-Bursa: Such as subscapularis and subcoracoid.

Subsubscapularis bursitis
Subcoracoid bursitis

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