Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tennis Elbow

1-95% of patients occurs in non tennis players.

2-It is due to lateral epicondylitis.

3-It is the most common soft tissue abnormality affecting elbow joint.

4-Lateral epicondylitis is an over use syndrome due to repeated micro trauma of the site of origin of the common extensors tendon.

5-So it is not an inflammation or due to tennis, it is due to small tear in the tendon.

6-It could be appears as sprain or tear as mentioned before.

7-Tear has a fluid signal more than sprain.

8-Sprain in T1 has intermediate signal while in T2 it has more higher signal but less than that of the fluid.

Coronal (A) and axial (B) fat-suppressed T2-weighted images demonstrate T2-hyperintensity compatible with an undersurface partial tear of the common extensor tendon origin (arrows). The radial collateral ligament (arrowhead) is mildly thickened but intact +joint effusion.

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