Saturday, April 21, 2012

Imaging planes

1-First we do coronal localizer.

2-Then we take straight lines axial cuts perpendicular on the shaft of the humerus to make axial cuts.

3-On the axial cut, we take another cuts for coronal section, then we take perpendicular cuts for sagital section.

4-Standard protocol:

-STIR: Axial, coronal and sagittal.


-T2: Sagittal.

The most important plane for the elbow is coronal, which is also the most important plane for shoulder and wrist, so for the upper limb, the most important view is coronal one.

5-Field of view is from 12-16 cm according to size of the patient, in case of shoulder is from 18-20 cm while in the wrist is from 8-10 cm.

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